Mighty-Seven is a manufacturer with over 20 years of experience in supplying the market with the highest quality of tools. Our focus is on innovation, manufacturing, marketing, service and support in the field of pneumatic tools. Consistent with our vision for “Innovation, Technical Support, and Benefit”, we are able to offer comprehensive service solutions for our global partners and have built a solid reputation in our industry worldwide.
Establishing a fast, accurate and dependable service system is the core of our value.
Throughout the integrated supply chain and support system, our service capabilities have been growing rapidly worldwide. We offer comprehensive technical support to our marketing partners in order to support them in providing total service solutions to the consumer. Our specialists offer regular training courses to demonstrate the application, features, and benefits of our products to the customer. We supply a complete set of maintenance manuals to our
authorized service partners, and we offer education and training programs to our service technicians. W
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- 統一編號12769998
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- 手機
- 電話04-23358567
- 傳真04-23355626
- 服務類別金屬工具製造代理
- 公司所在地 烏日區台中市
,一.一般進出口貿易業務.( 許可業務除外 ) 二.五金,工具,機械,汽車零配件,汽車百